Brief / A school project with the aim of creating a webbrowser extension based service that allows students to compare educations. The service is also intended to increase collaboration with companies, universities and students.
Created / Dec, 2021- Jan, 2022
Client / Linneuniversitet (Linnaeus University)
Created / Dec, 2021- Jan, 2022
Client / Linneuniversitet (Linnaeus University)
Role / UX designer, Graphic designer
Tools / Axure, Illustrator
Methods / Market Analysis, User flows, User Analysis, Sketching, Wireframes, Mockups, Prototyping
EduSelect helps students find and compare education by providing a clear overview of different programs along with statistics that give an idea of future prospects. The service also increase student work opportunities by stimulating increased collaboration between companies, students & universities.
Purpose of project
Which education to pick is one of the most important lifedesisions, and even if you know what you want to work with, it is oftentimes a jungle understanding what you will actually learn from a specific option and what the chances of getting a job are. EduSelect attempts to make the process easier by offering a clear overview adapted to the users needs that shows the content and the quality of education alternatives. It gathers data that display student happiness and future prospects. At the same time EduSelect works as a bridge. for collaboration between companies, universities and students that has great potential to benefit all parties by circulating feedbak, working together and building contacts.
Display of Collaboration

The focus of the project was prototyping, therefore the user analysis were created based off of off personas and informal interviews.
Market analysis
Currently there is several websites where students can browse and compare educations on the swedish market. A market analysis concluded that there is room for improvement. It is hard to understand the difference between certain educations since the content of the pages are structured in different ways and often presented in text. There are comparison features but these do not show in depth information such as differences in skills or differences in hireability. Few educations are reviewed meaning there is a lack of incentive for student to offer feedback to could be valuable to future students. There is very little information about future prospects of the education, and in many cases important information is presented in different places making it a bit of a treasure hunt finding everything.
User analysis

Information Architecture

User Flows