Brief  A school project with the aim of creating a communicative product that can be used by people without technological understanding and kids that cannot read. The product is not limited by current technology

Created  /  Jan, 2022

Client  /  Linneuniversitet (Linnaeus University) in collaboration with design bureau ADDI
Team  /  Fanny Tedeblad, Dana Mehho, Svetlana Leuchuk
Role  /  Ideation, Concept development, Creation of 3D model
other members were responsible for the building of application mockup
Tools / Miro, Blender, Photoshop
Methods  / Ideation, brainstorming, sketching, Love & Hate, ITK, AT-ONE, Storyboard, Personas, Scenario, 3D Modeling
A voice-activated device that allows for natural communication and shared experience over distance for people of all ages. Featuring smart AI technology that projects stories, holograms and creates ambience in the room. Only the imagination sets the limit.
During Covid-19 people have become increasingly isolated and have had to rely on technology to a higher degree to communicate. Due to the complexity of most  communicative devices such as smartphones, people with difficulties of understanding them becomes excluded from the benefits of technology, which is unfair considering they have equal need to communicative over distance. Our task was to develop a device for communication that can be used even by children who cannot read and elderly with limited technical ability. 
Different methods for brainstorming was used to ideate possible solutions. The best ideas were then sketched and through iterations of analysis and discussion gradually improved. Finally we ended up with this concept, that were described visually with a 3D model developed in blender and a mockup built by Svetlana Leuchuk in Axure.

User Needs
- Ease of use
- Communicate naturally despite being apart
- Share experiences over distance as realistically as possible despite not being in the same room
- Being able to adjust light intensity, mood and volume
- Change ambiance in room
- Needs to fit room interior and have a design that people of all ages find appealing
- Can't be too fragile since children are part of the user group
- Sustainable production to continue feeling relevant over time and meeting environmental requirements
- Portable format
Features needed
- No screens or buttons
- Voice and touch-activation were after the recipient can tell the device what the user wants the device to do, which would be the most natural way to communicate
- Projections of stories in the room
- Hologram projection or AR projection of the other person
- Durable & recycled materials
- Wooden stand, glasslike material with minimal cells that emits the light and projects the holograms
- approximately 20 cm high
- wooden stand works as charger, but can be moved for limited periods of time whenever this suits 

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